Seimei by Yashiro
Sebastian by Locxien
Seimei by Yashiro
When did you start cosplaying and for how long?
I started with Cosplay 2009, but at that time my mom sewed my Cosplays for me so I don´t think I can call this my start...
My first Cosplay I sewed alone was Ciel-Smile Version last year, so I would say i started 2010. ^^
Which one is your favourite cosplay?
Mhmmm that´s difficult...
I think my favourite Cosplay is the one I´m doing right now.
It is Kei Yosugara from Rust Blaster (Yana Toboso)
How much do you typically spend per costume?
That´s mean xD
I think between 80-150 € ??
My problem is that i spend a lot of money on the small things for the Costume.
And the wig and lenses and so on....
visit her homepage: click me
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